
Showing posts from January, 2025

Machu Picchu

The ancient South American people were bloodthirsty. There seems to have been, as in Egypt, s notion of an afterlife. There were mythological characters of fable who were probably considered contemporaries. There were lots of jugs. The show is on at the Australian Museum so it's oriented twoard children. This didn't stop organisers including a stele with a vagina dentata, but this item was off to one side. The objects themselves are quite tame and amateurish compared to Egypitan analogues. Nevertheless it's a nice show. I'm not sure if it's still on or not, check the web. I am glad I went. It's on til 23 February. I caught the bus and a train to get off at Museum Station.

Forest destruction protest, West Pennant Hills

Along with my involvement with the Tree Veneration Society I went to a small protest against logging. It  was all very civilised. SBS was there filming. The protesters, about forty, were there with signs and chants. The police were there (one female officer) taking video with a device. I was there with a pink parrot helmet (see below). Protesters are angry with the Minns Labor government in NSW. The govt promised to make some land a national park for koalas. This is up on the norther NSW coast. But it hasn't happened yet and meanwhile loggers are moving in. I'm not sure about all the details. You can probably find out more using the internet. Apparently there was on this day a parallel protest near Coffs Harbour. Adrienne and Graham her husband helped me with the introductions. We walked down the park interior road to the forstery offices and hung around for an hour or so. It was sunny. My pink helmet was a bit hot. I couldn't wear my spectacles at the same time as the helm...

Articulate Project Space end of year show

Went here last year with a friend. It was hot. These small works in series (above) had a sort of 80s vibe. Collage technique. Above: another fiend's works. Natasha makes watercolours. These are like an acrylic painting I made in the 80s. Above prints very evocative. They sort of look like real animals but not quite. Above painting lovely and well executed. It was in the upstairs area.

NAS Grad Show II

The second National Art School Grad Show was in December.  Above: Chaya Atkins 'Hold me'. Deliberate kitsch. A short of celebration of Netflix culture. Above: Katerina Asistin. Lovely colours and drawing. Simple scenes from everyday life. Above: Heidi Machama, 'Anticpiation'. More kitschy Netflix stuff. I love it. Above: Sally Parsons, September'. Restricted colour palette and nice line. Above: Chloe Lane. Pop kitsch, Tweety Pie and Sylvester. Above: Katerina Em, 'Better skin'. I love this ironic celebration of beauty culture. For every woman who wants to remove 10 years in 2 days. Above: Purva Jangra, 'Boyfriend'. Above: Felix Middleton, 'The Fool and Companions'.