Picture and poem: ‘The secret’


He smiles at me,
Holds me tight.
“Daddy I love you …”
He whispers.
“I love you,
love you …”
Is my reply.
And his fingers
Reach into my soul,
Press against my heart.
“I love you …
love you …”
Echoes in my heart.
I remember holding him
When he was born.
His hair was so curly,
His skin was so much darker
Than mine.
I knew then the secret,
I should have been angry,
So many words I did not say.
He was so innocent,
He was so small.
He needed someone,
He needed me.
“I love you …
Love you …”
Echoes in my mind.
I kiss him goodnight,
He closes his eyes
But not his smile.
I remember my own life,
Circles within circles,
Lifetimes return to haunt me.
I was born into a family
But not into a home.
I was abandoned to the faiths,
I was alone …
“I love you …
love you …”
Words I never heard.
I never knew my father,
I never knew my mom,
Only the pretension of family,
No ties of the blood
To remind me of my past …
Hold me
I’m scared.”
He knows me as father,
I know him as son,
The secret is never told,
And in our common past
We have become more than family,
We have become one.


Works combined here have been used with permission. Illustration by (Twitter) @Kon3koArt. Poem is by George Mercado (Twitter: @bklynmercado). If you’d like to submit a picture or a poem for use in this way, please feel free to get in touch.
