Poets at Don Bank featuring Louise Wakeling
For our sins the trains weren’t running when we left Don Bank Museum at the end of the night’s entertainment so we had to get on a bus which took us in a figure-eight to get to the bridge and back to the city. It was a memorable evening with Louise Wakeling (see photo) headlining a selection of poets and songwriters each of whom had a unique approach to their art.
When I arrived with poems in my pocket to read I didn’t forcefully enough approach the convenor, so when the open section ended I still hadn’t delivered any of them. Later, after the main act, I got up to read ‘Expression’, a sonnet written mainly in December 2013.
For me it’d been almost 15 years since I’d read anything in public like this and I felt tentative and like something just emerged from a chrysalis. I met Devina by surprise when I arrived at the old 19th century cottage Poets was held at, and we talked with Simon who’d come with a poem of his own to read, which was funny and wise.
A good night.
That’s what I love about poetry nights, always new people coming in with their personal stories to add to the evening. I’m glad you read yours, it was well received.