Sharla La show in Surry Hills Saturday 17 Sept

It was a busy day with Simon and I meeting a potential collaborator in Botany then scampering off to Surry Hills where at Tap Gallery we saw the bright, colourful paintings of Sharla La.
Sharla La, 'She and her familiar'

The show was titled ‘THE RAW. THE NAKID. THE TRUE’ and for sure it offered all of these things but in loud greens, reds, oranges, yellows. The artist herself is nomadic and lives on a bus, she told me, and I promised myself to catch her next show when she’s down in Sydney .. in the Never Never.

Sharla La, 'Come sister, if you have the courage'

The artist read out one of her stories about a hermit. There was something raw and true about the narrative, like a road trip and meeting a stranger in a highway town. I left feeling elated, stomping through the streets around Central Station to head back to my place.
