'Media of mass psychology' show wrap-up

The show was sort of like greeting the future, I felt exhausted like I’d been travelling in a time machine but the feelings were all of hope and anticipation. I discovered how hard it is to get people to come into the gallery off the street. They walk along, glance at the poster in the window, scope out the interior …

… and walk on regardless. 

I might have to do something about the impact of the feature pieces. The ones visible from the window. Bigger, brighter, most splashy. Vibrant.


I did sell one piece (thanks Paul) a 2022 paramontage titled ‘Birth’ that includes photos layered and a poem. The photos come specifically from the TV and from a show opening I went to in 2008 at a time when I was struggling with my mental health.

I might be in another group show, just putting the word out there and hope that people are able to keep in touch so we can meet up again and chat. My sticker campaign for the ‘Media of mass psychology’ was successful in that one person (in a yellow suit) saw it and made time to come along to the opening on Thursday evening, which was amazing. Another person saw the announcement on Facebook and made time to be at the gathering. It was a meeting of new and old friends.

I’m very grateful for all the support I’ve received in this journey. When I say I felt like I was in a time machine I wasn’t being entirely accurate, though I did on Friday morning feel as though I was travelling. It’s a tiredness and disorientation you get when you’re literally outside your comfort zone. I also celebrated the show by making two new works about showing art to the world, which include prose poems. I might get them framed using gear prepared to show works for ‘Media of mass psychology’ in order to save money.
